Commercial Contracts
Our professional expertise can be utilised to review contractual obligations, negotiate amendments where possible and above all to fully appraise our clients of risks the business is potentially exposed to before agreements are signed off.
Commercial Contracts and Transactional Advisory
Every business will engage in contracts with suppliers and service providers from time to time. In most cases parties will be trading on their pre-printed standard terms & conditions with little or no scope for variations. It is vital for every business director or manager to be fully advised of the extent of the obligations, rights and the risks the business might be exposed to.
Our professional expertise can be utilised to review contractual obligations, negotiate amendments where possible and above all to fully appraise our clients of risks the business is potentially exposed to before agreements are signed off.
Where a contract is not being performed in accordance with the terms agreed we can advise on options for renegotiations, mitigation or termination if appropriate. In the more complex agreements and borderline situations we can seek opinion from experienced counsel for added comfort for our clients.