
Optimum Law & Business Consultants does not provide advice or carry out any work  in Reserved Legal Activities or immigration.



Optimum Law & Business Consultants is a trading name of RHH Enterprises Ltd, a company registered at Companies House under Company Number 15547980

Neither RHH Enterprises Ltd nor Optimum Law & Business Consultants is a solicitors’ firm. RHH Enterprises Ltd engages the services of a solicitor Mr Mohammed Riaz, who is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (ID No. 153678) and the Law Society England & Wales, to provide Non-Reserved Matters advice and assistance to its users. Non-Reserved Matters are legal services not reserved to Solicitors. The provision of Non-Reserved Matters advice does not require indemnity insurance.

Optimum Law & Business Consultants does not provide advice or carry out any work  in Reserved Legal Activities or immigration.

All our services are provided with reasonable skill and care and in accordance with regulatory bodies requirements where appropriate. However, we will not accept any liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused. Use of our website and our service is treated as a deemed acceptance of this disclaimer.